5th WTO Ministerial Conference - Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico,
12 September 2003
We, the international representatives of Indigenous Peoples gathered
here during the 5th WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancun, Mexico
from 10-14 September 2003 wish to extend our thanks to the Indigenous
Peoples of Mexico, particularly the Mayan Indigenous Peoples of
Quintana Roo, for welcoming us.
We share the concerns of our Indigenous brothers and sisters,
as expressed in the Congreso Nacional Indigena Declaration of
Cancun. We join our voices to this CNI Declaration and its conclusions
and recommendations.
We wish to especially recognize and honor the sacrifice of our
Korean brother, Mr. Lee-Kyung-Hae, made here in Cancun. His act
of self-immolation was a dignified cultural expression profoundly
reflecting the daily reality of the effects of Globalization and
liberalized trade on peasants and Indigenous Peoples throughout
the world.
We have come to Cancun to address critical issues and negative
impacts of the WTO Trade Negotiations on our families, communities
and nations.
With the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and
with the continuing imposition of the structural adjustment policies
of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, our situation,
as Indigenous Peoples, has turned from bad to worse. Corporations
are given more rights and privileges at the expense of our rights.
Our right to self-determination, which is to freely determine
our political status and pursue our own economic, social and cultural
development, and our rights to our territories and resources,
to our indigenous knowledge, cultures and identities are grossly
violated. Some of the prime examples of the adverse impacts of
the WTO Agreements on us are the following:
∑Loss of livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of indigenous
peasants in Mexico who are producing corn because of the dumping
of artificially cheap, highly subsidized corn from the USA and
tens of thousands of indigenous vegetable producers in the Cordillera
region of the Philippines because of dumping of vegetables. The
contamination of traditional indigenous corn in Mexico by genetically-modified-corn
is a very serious problem for Indigenous Peoples. All these are
due to the liberalization of trade in agriculture and the deregulation
of laws which protect domestic producers and crops required by
the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AOA). The structural adjustment
policies of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
are the foundations for liberalization, privatization and deregulation.
High export subsidies and domestic support provided to rich agribusiness
corporations and rich farmers in the United Statesthe European
Union have also made this possible.
The increasing impoverishment of indigenous and hilltribe farmers
engaged in coffee production in Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, Vietnam,
etc. because of the drop in commodity prices of coffee.
∑The increasing conflicts between transnational mining,
gas and oil corporations and Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines,
Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, India, Ecuador, Guyana, Venezuela,
Colombia, Nigeria, Chad-Cameroon, USA, Russia, Venezuela, among
others, and the militarization and environmental devastation in
these communities due to the operations of these extractive industries.
The facilitation of the entry of such corporations are made possible
because of liberalization of investment laws pushed by the TRIMS
(Trade-Related Investment Measures) Agreement and WB-IMF conditionalities,
regional trade agreements like NAFTA and bilateral investment
∑The militarization of Indigenous Peoples’ lands and
territories, and the many cases of assassination and arbitrary
arrests and detention of indigenous activists and leaders and
people who are supporting them, as well as the criminalization
of Indigenous Peoples’ resistance, all significantly increased.
∑The upsurge in infrastructure development, particularly
of mega hydroelectric dams, oil and gas pipelines, roads in Indigenous
Peoples territories to provide support to operations of extractive
industries, logging corporations, and export processing zones.
The infrastructure development, for instance, under Plan Panama
has destroyed ceremonial and sacred sites of Indigenous Peoples
in the six States of Southern Mexico and in Guatemala.
∑The patenting of medicinal plants and seeds nurtured and
used by Indigenous Peoples, like the quinoa, ayahuasca, Mexican
yellow bean, maca, sangre de drago, hoodia , yew plant, etc. Such
biopiracy and patenting of life-forms is facilitated by the TRIPS
∑Soaring prices of pharmaceutical products and inaccessibility
of cheaper drugs for diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, AIDS
which are diseases in Indigenous Peoples communities and decreasing
public health services in these communities.
∑Privatization of basic public services such as water and
energy in several countries which has spurred massive general
strikes and protests such as those led by Indigenous Peoples in
Bolivia. The General Agreement on Services (GATS) whose coverage
is being expanded to include environmental services (sanitation,
nature and landscape protection), financial services, tourism,
among others, allowed for this.
∑The undermining of international instruments, constitutional
provisions, and national laws and policies which protect our rights.
All these developments are alarming. This global situation has
undermined self-sufficient economies of Indigenous Peoples leading
to food insecurity, worsening poverty and loss of land, culture
and identity. We, Indigenous Peoples’ representatives, present
in Cancun during the event of the Fifth Ministerial Meeting of
the WTO, are asking the governments to do the following:
1. Recognize and protect our territorial and resource rights
and our right to self-determination. The human-rights framework
should underpin trade, investment, development and anti-poverty
policies and programmes. Investment liberalization rules like
the TRIMS Agreement, conditionalities by the WB and IMF which
push countries to liberalize their investment laws, regional trade
agreements and bilateral investment agreements which give more
protection and rights to corporations than to Indigenous Peoples
should be changed. Many of these facilitate the displacement of
Indigenous Peoples and the appropriation of our lands, waters,
resources and knowledge. Indigenous peoples who have been displaced
from their lands because of militarization, infrastructure projects,
extractive industries, export processing zones and other development
schemes should be repatriated back to their lands or should be
justly compensated. International human rights and environmental
standards should be upheld by governments and should guide the
way trade agreements are formulated and implemented. The free
and prior informed consent of Indigenous Peoples should be obtained
before any project is brought into their communities. Article
8jand 10c of the Convention of Biological Diversity that protect
traditional knowledge and indigenous systems and practices of
land use and land tenure should be the framework for WTO Agreements.
Governments should support the immediate adoption of the UN Draft
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples that will help
ensure the recognition and protection of our rights.
2. Stop patenting of life forms and other intellectual property
rights over biological resources and indigenous knowledge. Ensure
that we, Indigenous Peoples, retain our rights to have control
over our seeds, medicinal plants and indigenous knowledge.
We call for an explicit statement for the banning of patents on
life-forms in the TRIPS Agreement. We also demand that the patent
rights, patent applications and claims of corporations, individuals
or governments over indigenous medicinal plants, seeds, and knowledge
and even over Indigenous Peoples’ human genetic materials
should be withdrawn. Biopiracy should be stopped and the free
and prior informed consent of Indigenous Peoples should be obtained
before access to their resources is granted. The issue of protection
of indigenous knowledge should not be dealt with by the WTO TRIPs
Agreement because its basic assumptions contradict the concepts,
values and ethics underpinning indigenous knowledge systems. This
can be best protected under the United Nations and we therefore,
urge the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues to convene a
technical meeting to explore how the UN can address the issue
of protection of indigenous knowledge.
3. Ensure Indigenous Peoples’ basic right to health. The
right of countries to take measures to protect public health and
promote access to medicines should take precedence over their
obligations to protect intellectual property right of corporations.
The patent protection asked by pharmaceutical and biotechnology
corporations should be limited in order to protect public health
and safety and ensure production and easy access to cheap essential
medicines. Health is a basic human right and Indigenous Peoples
should enjoy this right. Governments should be allowed to use
the flexibilities allowed in the TRIPS Agreement which are reflected
in the Doha TRIPS and Public Health Declaration. An amendment
to TRIPS should be done to simplify and clarify the procedures
for compulsory licensing and parallel importation and to remove
the unnecessary obstacles to the import and export of medicines
needed to provide affordable medicines to the poor
4. No new issues should be negotiated in this 5th Ministerial
Conference. We support the position of some developing countries
to stop the launching of a new round or to expand the WTO by negotiating
on new issues such as investments, competition, transparency in
government procurement and trade facilitation. The WTO should
not pursue any negotiation on investment and should change its
existing investment rules which provide excessive rights to corporations
and allow for their unregulated behavior. Those rules which prevent
governments from pursuing rights-based development and environmentally-sustainable
policies should be abandoned.
5. Prevent the expansion of the GATS Agreement and amend the
existing agreement to stop the privatization and liberalization
of health, education, water, energy, and environmental services.
The liberalization and privatization of services in environmental
services (e.g. parks and landscape services), the commercialization
of indigenous cultures and the increasing monopoly control of
the tourism industry in the hands of international and national
travel and tour agencies should be stopped. We must be allowed
to be the managers of protected areas, parks, forests and waters
found in our territories. We should be able to continue practicing
our own indigenous natural management practices in forests, water,
biodiversity and ecosystem management.
6. Stop the negotiations on agriculture which will push for
further import liberalization of agricultural products. Drastically
end the export and domestic subsidies of the US and the EU for
their agribusiness corporations and rich farmers. States must
take decisive measures to promote and protect food sovereignty
and food security, and stop the dumping and smuggling of artificially
cheap and highly subsidized agricultural products from the US,
EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Ensure the right of indigenous
farmers to sustain their indigenous agricultural systems and to
plant and reproduce their traditional seeds. States must not include
indigenous agriculture systems in the scope of international trade
rules. The rights of Indigenous Peoples to their traditional livelihoods
and to food should be recognized and protected, thus trade and
investment rules which undermine these rights should be repealed
or appropriately amended.
7. End the militarization of Indigenous Peoples’ communities
and stop the criminalization of protest and resistance actions
of Indigenous Peoples against destructive industries, projects
and programs. There should be meaningful and effective investigation
of the many cases of assassinations, arbitrary arrests and detentions,
rapes committed against Indigenous Peoples and their supporters.
Justice should be accorded to the victims and their families,
and the perpetrators punished for their crimes.
8. Support and strengthen the sustainable trading systems which
have existed for centuries between the Indigenous Peoples of the
Americas. Trade routes between the various Indigenous Peoples
within the Americas (USA, Canada, Mexico have been existing for
centuries and trading between them is still practiced, Militarization
of borders and other destructive practices have greatly limited
their scale and utility for Indigenous Peoples. Trade between
Indigenous Peoples should be sustained and promoted.
The ministers at this Fifth Ministerial meeting of the WTO have
the responsibility to represent not only commercial interests
but all of the people of their States, including Indigenous Peoples.
Existing human rights, environmental, social and cultural conventions
and covenants developed within the United Nations system continue
to be the States’ legal if not moral obligation. All international
law including human rights law binds them.
Indigenous peoples are the subjects of many of these covenants
and conventions and their jurisprudence. Our rights cannot be
ignored, nor can their observance be diminished or compromised
by trade agreements and regimes. We as Indigenous Peoples have
the right to participate as peoples and actors in our own development,
consistent with our own vision and tradition. Our free and informed
consent, free of fraud or manipulation, must be secured through
our own traditional means of decision-making. State sponsored
development cannot just be imposed upon us. Our rights as peoples
to our lands and territories and natural resources must be recognized,
respected and observed. Our survival as peoples depends upon it.
SIGNATORIES: Name of Organization Country
1. Asian Indigenous Women's Network
2. Cordillera Peoples Alliance Philippines
3. Indigenous Environmental Network
4. Indigenous Initiative for Peace
5. Indigenous Women's Network
6. International Indian Treaty Council
7. Na Koa Ikaika Kalahui Hawaii
9. Tebtebba Foundation